Saturday, February 25, 2017

The guilt

How much guilty there were of each others' acts.

She screamed as she cut herself while cutting onions. A stream of blood started to ooze out. He hurriedly came inside the kitchen. 

“Oh go! What have you done? Can’t you be careful?"

While he complained he quickly collected a first aid box. He cleaned the cut and bandaged it in no time. 

“It’s a small cut only! It happens when you're working in the kitchen, Sudhir!”

“That I don’t want to listen. Now you just be careful and relax for some time.”
Kirti would always wonder about Sudhir’s overprotective and over-caring nature. Even though many girls would love to have such type of husband but she would fear what if he becomes over possessive. A chain of thought was broken by the shrill sound of the cooker. 

One evening in the bedroom…

She rushed to the bathroom and vomited several times. When she came out of the bathroom she saw Sudhir standing in front of her with as usual worried look. 

“What happened? Are you okay? 

She instantly became irritated with his several questions. 

“Sudhir, nothing had happened. I just vomited but I don’t understand why you are always so worried or tensed over such petty things?"

“it’s because dear I care for you!”

“I know even I care for you but that does not mean a small cut to the hand, vomiting or loud bang of the door should concern you every now and them. Ours isn’t a love marriage! And it’s not even matter of love marriage but your worrying habit becomes too much sometimes.” She snapped at him. 

“That’s why I care for you!”

“What do you mean by that now?”

“I am guilty of something”

“Of what?”

He silenced for few seconds. 

“About what you’re guilty of?” she repeated herself. 

“Do you want to listen to it?”

“Now of course I want to know you’re guilty of what?”

“that I hurt someone so much. I never cared about her.”

“About her? Who is she? What? You’re having an extra-marital affair? She threw her frustration at him. 

“Oh no! Not at all! Now listen to me patiently.”

When I was in last year if my college I met this girl where I used to work as a part timer. 

We were friends and soon became lovers but I never took her seriously. I made her cry, beg and one day she got married to a guy that her parents chose. 

After she was gone from my life and it was hardly a month that time I realized that how much she used to care about me and love me. But she was gone from my life permanently. I have that guilt in my mind. To get rid of that guilt, I try to love and care about you as much as I could. 

“So the guilt has made Mr. Sudhir lovable and caring person?” She mocked.
“Yes, because last time I lost her and bargained my life with guilt and this time I don’t want to lose you to regret for lifetime!

Kirti had tears in her eyes and so his. They both hugged tightly each other realizing how much guilty there were of each others' acts.

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